Watch this short video to learn what RTT is, why it is so rapid and effective and how it works.
Brings permanent, powerful, pervasive change into your life in one (or up to three) session packages for your issue.
RTT is a unique, hybrid therapy that embraces, and goes beyond, many positive aspects of traditional hypnotherapy methodologies such as hypnosis, CBT, psychotherapy, healing and neuro-linguistic programming (or NLP).
Developed by the highly acclaimed and respected therapist, Marisa Peer, RTT is a one-of-a kind method that equips its practitioners and therapists with an array of techniques and tools that are crucial, not just in teaching you how to communicate with your subconscious mind, but also directly accessing and fixing whatever blockages may be there.
How does RTT work?
Your subconscious mind has a memory of every single event, feeling and experience that you have gone through since you came into existence.
Using hypnosis, as a safe, quick and easy means, you will be able to gain access to, and directly communicate with, your subconscious mind. When in hypnosis, you are NOT asleep, in fact, you are awake and alert, and FULLY in control. It is a very natural state, similar to day dreaming or meditating, where you are in full awareness of yourself.
RE-Programme with Jas includes my coaching and RTT, with its FOUR 'I's:
INVESTIGATE - You will be able to regress to scenes, all to do with the cause of your presenting issue.
INTERPRET - Using various RTT techniques, you will be guided to interpret why, when, where and how you formed certain beliefs that caused your presenting issue.
INTERRUPT - Together, we will then interrupt the old thought patterns and beliefs, as they no longer serve the 'you' that you are today.
INSTALL - Using powerful and unique RTT techniques, we will replace the old, outdated beliefs with new, transformational ones that will lead you to successful change and freedom; reconnect you with who you are today.
Who is RE-Programme with Jas for?
Everyone has various issues they need help with in their lives. Are you:
Struggling with moving through your grief?
Struggling with anxiety or depression?
Experiencing panic and constant stress?
Too overwhelmed?
Feeling low in self-esteem or confidence?
Experiencing difficulty in speaking up?
Looking to improve your performance in your education, career or personal life?
Looking for help dealing with trauma, pain, grief, anger?
Unable to fall asleep, and if you do, unable to have a deep, uninterrupted sleep?
If you have said 'YES' to any of the above, then my programme can lead you to rapid, phenomenal and lasting change.
This list is certainly not exhaustive, so feel free to get in touch, no obligation to see if RTT can help you.
NOTE: Hypnosis is NOT suitable for epileptics unless supported by a doctor's note, or for people with psychosis.
Statements and products offered on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure nor prevent any disease or illness. When dealing with a physical and/or mental illness or disease always consult your GP, consultant or health care provider before making any health care decisions.
How does RE-Programme with Jas work?
FREE DISCOVERY CALL (approx. 30 minutes)
What is the issue you want resolved?
This is your opportunity to speak to me, ask any questions and see how best I can help you.
We will then book your chosen service by fixing an appointment date and time.
(Note: All information shared with me is kept strictly confidential.)
You will then be sent a pre-session relaxation hypnosis audio (to listen to daily) and forms to fill in and return to me before your first RTT session.
RTT SESSION (approx. 3 hours)
Session includes:
Initial assessment: I will ask you, via a pre-session form, about your goals for the session and gather information about your background, history, and current challenges. This will help me narrow down key issues.
Relax into hypnosis: During our session together I guide you into a state of deep relaxation through the use of hypnotherapy.
Regression and identification of root cause: I help you to identify the root cause of your negative patterns, often through guided regression and accessing unconscious memories, events, or scenes.
Identify and interrupt negative beliefs: As we continue to dialogue with your subconscious, you will be guided to identify the beliefs under the root cause.
Reprogramming and transformation: I use powerful positive affirmations, suggestions, and visualisation techniques to help you replace negative beliefs and behaviours with positive ones. You will also listen to a powerful, personalised transformation script that I create and record, which will entail everything you want your life to be without your issue.
POST RTT SESSION (on-going for 21-28 days)
Your personalised 20-minute recording will be sent to you after the session, where you commit to listening to it daily for at least 21 -28 days.
I will conduct weekly text follow-ups with you during these 21-28 days, followed by a monthly coaching call, to see how you are getting on, and offer any extra coaching, support and advice.
Clients are normally recommended 2-3 cycles of my programme, with 2-3 RTT sessions, over a 3-5 month duration, depending on the issue.

Single package:
Includes free breakthrough call, single RTT session with personalized recording and follow-up coaching and support for up to 28 days.
Package bundles:
Based on your requirements, this will allow you to opt in for a multiple package of 2-3 RTT sessions with follow-up coaching.
NOTE: Payment plans are available
I help guide you to begin to make practical shifts, using RTT rules of the mind and my coaching.
You will be able to identify areas in your life where you can begin to implement these shifts and actions that will allow you to take the next steps upward in your journey.
Depending on the topic of the workshop (between 1-2 hours), I can attend as a guest speaker and presenter.
This includes a presentation and talk, with a group hypnosis session (approx. 20 minutes) to install powerful and transforming beliefs.
Example workshops: Coping with stress, performance improvement, confidence and many more.
Self hypnosis recordings are a powerful way to make changes and improve yourself.
You can choose to have a personalised hypnosis recording made just for you for any issue that you want to work on.
Examples include: Confidence, performance improvement in work/skills, success and wealth abundance, improved relationships, better coping skills and so many more.

Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists
Hi! I am Jaspreet (Jas) Bamra.
As a certified Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) Practitioner and Grief Educator, using this unique, cutting-edge modality, my expert coaching and calming and naturally intuitive personality, I help busy, family-oriented professionals, to rapidly and effectively, overcome their mental blocks, especially with grief and anxiety, and release past hurt and pain, in a safe, confidential and loving space so that they live a healthy, happy, and meaningful life of freedom.
Why choose me? My personal story
After experiencing a stream of losses in 2008, including the loss of my father and grandmother, marriage and job, I embarked on a journey of self help and healing. Having tried numerous techniques and modalities to overcome my mental and emotional blocks, I discovered the power Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) in 2018.
The transformation I experienced in finding my freedom was so powerful, I trained in the modality, and as a fully certified, Marisa Peer Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) Practitioner, have to-date helped hundreds of people find rapid release from their trauma and blocks.
Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) has been the game changer in my life.
Even though I knew I was smart, intelligent and strong, no one knew the grief, fears, anxiety and stress I constantly lived with. From grieving multiple losses, all in the space of a year, financial stress and not feeling enough about myself, finding a place in our society as an Asian, single parent of two girls, to panicking and worrying about the future, my journey was truly challenging.
It is with RTT that I was finally able to address the grief and trauma I had suppressed for so long.
With RTT, I discovered I had deeply ingrained and outdated money beliefs that told me I somehow didn't deserve more.
It is with RTT I learned I had picked up false beliefs that success led to pain and disappointment (so I kept myself small).
With RTT I realized I always thought no matter what I did I wouldn't be good enough for our society. All this, despite successfully raising my girls on my own, despite not caring about the stigma around divorce and single parenting.
Uncovering and unpicking these beliefs allowed me to finally give myself permission to just be, do and have whatever I desired, and to go after this without any shame, guilt or fear.
I am also a certified Grief Educator, trained by renowned grief expert, David Kessler, and use my combined skills to allow people to navigate loss and move forward in life.
By becoming a RTT Practitioner and Grief Educator, and helping others, I feel like I belong and have purpose.
And it's even more rewarding to see this reflected in my clients' feedback.
Gone is
the feeling of constantly living in a fog of grief and anxiety
the hesitancy of 'what will people think?'
the fear of 'what if I fail?'
doubt of 'what if I can't do it?'
Now it's just do it! Who cares what they say? What if I succeed and do it, and not just do it, but smash it?
I work with many issues from grief, anxiety, depression to overcoming low self esteem and low confidence.
In my RE-Programme with Jas, I guide clients to release old hurt and trauma, reframe old beliefs and limits and realign to their true self so they have the freedom to live life fully.
My expertise lies in, but is not limited to:
Grief and loss
Mindset and mental blocks
Childhood trauma
Cultural conditioning
Anxiety, Depression. Confidence
Physical issues
It's not uncommon for clients to use words such as 'magic' in their transformations, and for my work to be referred to as Freedom therapy.
My latest achievement is my unique, one-of-its-kind grief journal/tribute book, called My Grief Companion, available on Amazon, which helps people navigate grief as they create a beautiful keepsake of their loved one for generations to come.


In-person: Reading, UK
Online: Worldwide sessions via Zoom
Email: jas@jasbamrahypnotherapy.com
Let's get on a call and speak!
I will explain my RE-Programme with Jas
with Rapid Transformational Therapy and coaching.
We can discuss your issue in person to see how I can help and give you all other information such as duration and investment.